Sunday, July 7, 2013


 Gutom at Malnutrition
Sama-sama natin Wakasan

                                   Health is very important in every individual's life. As we all know that "Health is Wealth", yes it's true because how can we live a kind of strong and peaceful if we have efficient source of important needs for our body to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We must consider also the citizens that surrounds our environment. To maintain a stable healthy lifestyle not only eating nutritious food is needed but also knowing if what is missing or lack that will supply your body to become physically fit.
                                  As we observed nowadays that there are many among us are suffering from the major problems in our community, the scarce of needs especially in food supply that may lead to health problems like Malnutrition, the most common problem when we talk about health. Malnutrition was defined like this, is the condition that results from eating a diet in which certain nutrients are lacking or in the wrong proportion. Yes it's true because even we eat too much we can't say that the food we are eating is needed in our body in order to satisfy our health lifestyle. Thus in this case we must fight for the wellness of an individual, promoting proper diet or making good source of food so that we can prevent poverty as well as scarcity. There are many young people today that are suffering from hunger and malnutrition, they have the eagerness of eating but no source of food. Trying to be united as one will be a big help to those people who are craving for food. 
                                  So as early as now let's start to help to those people in order to attain their self-satisfaction that can lead them to have Healthy lifestyle especially in the food that they wanted to eat. Sooner or later there will be no problem at all regarding to this topic because we have done our part as we unite ourselves to help others to pass the unwanted lifestyle that will turn into a better one.